4th September 2013

This project, with both the facade and dragon illumination, are top examples of creating an efficient and comfortable visual impact with light.

Introducing projected LED technology to the original building not only offered more efficient lighting but had virtually no initial cost penalty for the client. The facade lighting was originally designed using 150W metal halide ERCO Powercast luminaires on custom poles so switching over to the LED Powercast with Spherolit lens technology was the best solution, offering the latest technology while reducing energy consumption. The majority of the facade is illuminated with 4000k neutral white with one 3000k warm white luminaire to add some contrast, making the signage really stand out.

Dragos Weslianos was commissioned and created in 2007 but just recently brought to life with light. Two 12W, 3000k LED ERCO grasshopper luminaires are mounted at ground level illuminating the underside of the wings. One 14W, 4000k narrow spot ERCO Beamer luminaire was used approximately 20 metres away to craft an exaggerated moonlight effect.

Architect - Taylor Robinson
Electrical Engineer/Lighting Design - Mark Chisholm (ECS Perth)
Photographer - Matt Devlin

Check out the full set of photos here.

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